Khasenso – Proper care for every type of skin!

Who does not know the lord of the flies symbolism essay problems they have with their skin? Is it too sensitive, too dry, too oily, has large pores, or acne?

Here you can find the proper treatment you need!

With the treatment cosmetics that are tailored to specific needs of different skin types, skin can be regenerated and balanced as it is protected against premature aging.

Khasenso compounds offer selective derma-cosmetics tailored specifically to different needs of different skin types to ensure the best cleansing and treatment.

Skin – not just a mirror of our soul.

Our skin is our largest organ with vital functions. Primarily, it protects our body from cold, heat and radiation, from pressure, impact or friction, and even from chemical damage. The horny layer of the epidermis works as an important barrier to balance hydrogen and oxygen between an organism and the environment. With the help of its acid protection coat, it works actively against the entrance of germs.

Another important factor is that skin is the largest sense organ of a human’s body. We perceive vibration, pain, and temperature stimuli through our skin. Blushing, turning pale and the hair strands are also characteristics that reflective essay outlineform the skin. Environmental factors (such as cold or strong UV light exposure) and incorrect washing as well as stress and psychological distress can irritate the skin.